Ground 59Location: Milwaukee, WI
Type: Hospitality DBA has created a design for a new Asian Themed Food Market in the popular Milwaukee Neighborhood of Bay View. The new development is comprised of 4 different buildings with an outdoor courtyard that will be utilized for eating, parties, and different special events featuring bands and even movie nights.
The new buildings along KK have a massing that is pedestrian scaled with a front facade that includes lots of glass to the interior of the buildings. Building A has a prominently gabled roof form that recalls the bungalows that are located throughout Bay View, while Building B, with a lower profile, provides abundant sunlight to reach the windows and roof deck of Building A. The pedestrian walkway between the two buildings provide a clear connection to the interior courtyard that is sure to be a popular place to meet and see your neighbors. These two buildings will use similar materials, with a vertical composite siding on the front and stained cedar siding at the Pedestrian Walkway. This juxtaposition provides a rich composition that clearly delineates the walkway and creates an interesting and unique material palate. The existing building, Building C, will be renovated and allows the site to retain some of its original character. This building will keep its exterior as the utilitarian concrete block that will be painted with accents to add interest to the building. AWARDS